29 Aug

Most people use mobiles or tablets instead of desktop computers for everyday use. Whether it is posting an update on a social networking page or booking a cab ride, or checking the latest restaurant deals, it is easy to access information on a portable device you have on-hand than to check-in at your home or office computer each time you want internet access. With this increasing usage of mobile devices, a responsive web design that adapts both to a personal computer and mobile phone screen size is a feature, businesses are ready to have on board. But how exactly do you ensure a responsive web page is properly implemented? Responsive testing services come to the rescue.

We list some tips for setting up a responsive web design:

  • Design 3 layouts for different browser widths. For example, a small one under 600 px would work for most phones, a medium 600 – 900 px would work for most tablets and a large over 900 px layout would work for personal computers.

  • While complete details can go to the static web page, limited information is sufficient for display on mobile web pages. Bulky pages can be hard for users to navigate. Survey to gather which information is most pertinent to users. Tailor your content around it.

  • Craft your design to generate a user-friendly web page. If a user has to scroll long to access items of interest, they will be quickly bored by their experience. Use expand and collapse fields and drop-down menus to avoid clutter on the webpage.

  • Use media queries when building your site. This code will get the design to resize automatically to the screen size. Developers should learn the CSS rules for using media queries.

  • Make sure your images are flexible. The code should allow scaling of images by a percentage to the browser window width.

  • Make sure your user interface elements can be tapped. Using hands to interact with the content makes the user more comfortable with the site. The minimum size for UI elements to ensure they can be tapped is 44 x 44 px.

  • Add keyboard triggers in forms that adapt to the screen size. For example, fields that require numbers should display numerical keyboards and fields that require text should display alphabetical keyboard.

  • Make sure button sizes are large enough to be clicked and small enough to fit compactly on the web page. You can also represent your buttons with colors, shapes, and images that can make them easy to be traced.

  • Choose a simple font so that the text is legible. Texts that are too funky can make reading tedious.

  • Test your design on many devices. Employing responsive testing services will provide expert support in testing. Responsive testers are aware of the nuances of testing on devices at different breakpoints. They will ensure the content is viewable from all breakpoints.

  • Responsive testing services will check for the effective functioning of smaller features that developers can ignore such as swipes and tapping features discussed above.

  • Testers and developers should have strong coordination between them. Developers should meet conditions given in the test cases. 

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